DuoPort Side Hinged Doors

We first introduced our range of DuoPort insulated side hinged doors in 2015 and the products have proven to be highly popular. Not only will they provide you with high insulation values, these doors will also offer you the possibility to use your garage as a utility room for hobbies and leisure time!

You can choose whether to open both of the door leaves or only the active leaf. The choice will depend on your specific requirements. Keep reading below to find out more about what makes these side hinged doors such a great choice.

Here at Novoferm, we take great care during product selection. You can be assured that we only use quality materials that are highly durable. They have gone through top quality processing and will last for many years to come!

There are also a wide variety of additional fittings available to give your garage a classic appearance that will perfectly match your existing décor. Your DuoPort side hinged doors from Novoferm will keep with the style of your house and personal preferences.